Mass Media

Elevation Zero

By: WLRN-Miami Herald News
In this website you will find WLRN-Miami Herald News series of stories about the effects of sea-level rise. The project is called “Elevation Zero: Rising Seas In South Florida.”


Climate Change Basics

By: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
This video provides an introduction to the issue of climate change. The narration discusses the causes of modern-day climate change, signs that the climate is already changing, and how climate change affects the environment and human well-being. It concludes with information about how individuals and society at large can take steps to reduce the effects of climate change.


Florida Officials Banned the Term “Climate Change,” But the Insurance Industry Knows Better

By: Rebecca Leber, The New Republic
For years, Florida had an unwritten rule banning state environmental officials from using the terms “climate change” or “global warming” in any of their communication, including emails and reports. Rather than discuss the issue of sea level rise directly, the Department of Environmental Protection substituted words like “climate drivers” and “climate-driven changes,” according to the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting. The policy began in 2011 under Governor Rick Scott, the state’s top climate change denier.


Leader of Island Nation Advocates Exit Strategy for Rising Seas

By: Kenneth R. Weiss, National Geographic
SOUTH TARAWA, Kiribati—It’s rare to find the leader of a country who speaks as passionately about climate change as Anote Tong does. Then again, his country of 110,000 people makes the short list of places most vulnerable to climate change.


Miami Archaeological Dig Unearths Evidence of Sea Rise

By: Jenny Staletovich, Miami Herald
MIAMI — In the shadows of a condo canyon rising around the mouth of the Miami River, archaeologists have unearthed what they say is concrete evidence of South Florida’s escalating rise in sea level.


Goodbye, Miami

By: Jeff Goodell, RollingStone
When the water receded after Hurricane Milo of 2030, there was a foot of sand covering the famous bow-tie floor in the lobby of the Fontaine­bleau hotel in Miami Beach. A dead manatee floated in the pool where Elvis had once swum. Most of the damage occurred not from the hurricane’s 175-mph winds, but from the 24-foot storm surge that overwhelmed the low-lying city. In South Beach, the old art-deco­ buildings were swept off their foundations. Mansions on Star Island were flooded up to their cut-glass doorknobs. A 17-mile stretch of Highway A1A that ran along the famous beaches up to Fort Lauderdale disappeared into the Atlantic.


Miami Finds Itself Ankle-Deep in Climate Change Debate

By: Coral Davenport, The New York Times
MIAMI BEACH — The sunny-day flooding was happening again. During high tide one recent afternoon, Eliseo Toussaint looked out the window of his Alton Road laundromat and watched bottle-green saltwater seep from the gutters, fill the street and block the entrance to his front door.


Rising Seas

By: Tim Folger, National Geographic
By the time Hurricane Sandy veered toward the Northeast coast of the United States last October 29, it had mauled several countries in the Caribbean and left dozens dead. Faced with the largest storm ever spawned over the Atlantic, New York and other cities ordered mandatory evacuations of low-lying areas. Not everyone complied. Those who chose to ride out Sandy got a preview of the future, in which a warmer world will lead to inexorably rising seas.


Miami, The Great World City, is Drowning While The Powers That Be Look Away

By: Robin McKie, The Guardian
A drive through the sticky Florida heat into Alton Road in Miami Beach can be an unexpectedly awkward business. Most of the boulevard, which runs north through the heart of the resort’s most opulent palm-fringed real estate, has been reduced to a single lane that is hemmed in by bollards, road-closed signs, diggers, trucks, workmen, stacks of giant concrete cylinders and mounds of grey, foul-smelling earth.


Sea Level Rise in South Florida: Expect Floods, Sea Wall Woes

By: David Fleshler, Sun Sentinel
President Obama’s top environmental adviser came to Fort Lauderdale Thursday to express the administration’s commitment to fighting global warming and protecting the nation from rising sea levels.


South Florida Sea Level Rise Needs Urgent Action: Task Force

By: David Adams, Reuters
(Reuters) – South Florida’s coastal real estate may become uninsurable as the sea level rises unless Miami’s county government takes urgent action, a task force said on Tuesday.


A Rising Concern: The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Florida

By: Lilly Rockwell, Florida Trend
Forget the argument over what may be causing it — if we take seriously the idea that the sea level could rise by more than seven inches in the next 30 years, what should Florida communities be doing about it, and how much will it cost?


As Sea Levels Rise, Is Miami Doomed?

By: Terrell Johnson, The Weather Channel
With a population of more than 5.5 million living at an elevation of just 6 feet above sea level, Miami will be one of the nation’s first major metropolitan areas to feel the impacts of climate change.

Palmer Trinity Members Participate in Al Gore’s Climate Reality Training

By: Teresa Estefan, Palmetto Bay News
Three members of the Palmer Trinity School (PTS) community including parent Jenny May Arias, 11th grade student Delaney Reynolds, and science teacher Dr. Leopoldo Llinas recently were selected to attend the Climate Reality Leadership Corps event hosted by the environmental nonprofit organization, Climate Reality Project.

Mangroves, Stilts, and Canals Might Just Save South Beach from Rising Seas

By: Jessica Weiss, Miami New Times
To designer Isaac Stein, there’s no reason to fear the rising seas in South Florida. Instead, the encroaching water should be embraced as part of the next phase in Miami Beach’s evolution.