Sink or Swim Initiative To Present At The University of Miami (April 16th) for The Youth Forum on Climate Change & at Palmer Trinity During the Global Educators Conference (April 24th)

I have very BIG news to share in that The Sink or Swim Project’s initiative will be presented this and next week at two very prestigious conferences here in South Florida. Here are the details:

The Youth Forum on Climate Change and Water

April 16th at The University of Miami

unnamed I am very proud to announce that we will be presenting the Sink or Swim Project initiative at the Youth Forum on Climate Change & Water at the University of Miami on Thursday, April 16th 2015 and would like to invite EVERYONE to attend.

The Youth Forum on Climate Change & Water will take place from 5PM until 9PM at Shoma Hall on the Coral Gables campus of the University of Miami. Shoma Hall is located at 5100 Brunson Drive, Coral Gables 33146 within The School of Communications.

The program will include an environmental film screening of the film One Water for Sustainable Development as part of the Miami & The Beaches Environmental Film Festival (, along with international guest speakers from the United Nations, the Consulate General of France and the City of Miami Beach. Here is the evenings schedule:

5:00 pm: Welcome and introduction to Forum and Context – UM & ECOMB

5:10 pm: Mr. Joakim Harlin, Senior Water Resources Adviser, United Nations Development Programme / Videoconference from Stockholm followed by Youth-led input and Q&A

5:30 pm: Screening: One Water for Sustainable Development followed by Youth-led input and Q&A

6:15 pm: H.E. Mr. Philippe Létrilliart, Consul General of France in Miami: Overview of climate change negotiations at the global level / Conference of Parties Climate Change Summit in Paris – what role for young people in this process?

6:30 pm: Global issues at the local level:

o Introduction by Caroline Lewis, Founder and Executive Director of the CLEO Institute

o Remarks by Ben Kirtman, Professor at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science

o Presentation by Betsy Wheaton, Environmental Resources Manager at the City of Miami Beach

7:00 pm: Designation of breakout groups and 15-minute snack break

7:15 pm: Facilitated break-out sessions with guidelines aimed at articulating youth-led actions; strategies for communicating urgency; target audience; and partners needed

7:45 pm: Larger youth-led group discussion / youth leader speakers compilation of action points and messages, with the intention of communicating them to policy makers locally, nationally and internationally. Format and strategy to be determined by youth participants.

8:30 pm: Closing and Reception



My talk on The Sink or Swim Project and sea level rise will be one of the evenings five youth presentations and I plan to discuss my initiative, my ongoing book project and the Academy of Agents of Change program at Palmer (Go Falcons!). The event is conducted in participation with the United Nations, the University of Miami, The Environmental Coalition of Miami & The Beaches and The CLEO Institute.




Global Educators Conference

April 24th at Palmer Trinity School


unnamed (1)I am also very pleased (and proud) to announce that The Sink or Swim Project will be presented at The Global Educators Conference on Friday April 24th during Session I-F (between 10:45 AM and 12:00 PM) at Palmer Trinity Private School in Palmetto Bay.

Dr. Leopoldo Llinas, Palmer’s Director of Environmental Stewardship and the school’s head of the Academy of Agents of Change program, will present a lecture entitled Agents of Change: Learning Social and Environmental Innovation and as part of his discussion five of his 2015 ‘Agents of Change’ will present their initiatives to the conference, one of which will be The Sink or Swim Project.

The Global Educator’s Conference is presented by the Global Education Benchmark Group, an Association of Independent Schools that works together to find best practices in global education to prepare students, academically and experientially, for a diverse and dynamic cultural and socio-economic world. The conference is open to anyone interested in global education, and will address critical issues in the field with an emphasis on providing safe travel programs, management, global curriculum development, marketing, finance and communications.

I hope that you will consider attending one or both of these exciting events. Should you need any further information please feel free to contact me.