Ahead of the Tide


I’m super excited to share the first chapter in a 10 part series special event on sea level rise and hope that you will watch this video, as well as share it with everyone that you know.

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Ahead of the Tide is more than a gorgeous, thought provoking video series. It is a movement, a call to action, which highlights the effects of sea level rise and climate change through the stories and voices of real people here in Florida. I sincerely hope that you will not only watch each video in the series but that you will join the Ahead of the Tide movement because together we can, we must, solve this problem.

Each video in the series is five to seven minutes long and will showcase different issues related to sea level rise including perspectives from scientists, engineers, politicians, educators, authors, activists and many others. These stories vividly paint a picture that can leave no doubt that our planet’s warming temperatures and rising seas are an ever growing, urgent threat that we must begin to solve in meaningful ways before it’s too late.

David Smith is an environmentalist, a skilled pilot, executive producer, director husband and father. He is also the founder of the incredible non-profit organization, CAVU (www.cavu.org), that made this film, and that has made dozens of artistic, touching environmental films (if you’ve ever wondered how to tell jaguars apart take a look at their campaign: Cockscomb Jaguar Proud, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iw7kAohP6k). David is also a dear, caring friend to The Sink or Swim Project and want you to know that, without a doubt, he and his team have made a very important, groundbreaking, environmental films series with their Ahead of the Tide work. Great work David!

Please check out the first episode on our website, www.miamisearise.com, or at www.aheadofthetide.org. You can and should learn more about Ahead of the Tide and join the movement by visiting their webpage at www.aheadofthetide.org today or contacting us here at www.miamisearise.com.

Now let’s all get Ahead of the Tide before it’s too late!