Author Archives: DReynolds

Saving the Ocean One Beach at a Time



Some might say that because there are so many beaches in Miami, beach cleanups won’t help keeping it clean in anyway, but that one plastic bag you just picked up saved a sea turtle’s life, or kept it from floating into the Great Atlantic Ocean Garbage Patch, or kept it from drifting onto another beach where no one would bother to clean it up.

This morning the eco-club at my school hosted a beach cleanup, and while only eleven people showed up to help, we filled up seven garbage bags in an hour. Each year, the club hosts approximately four cleanups in Key Biscayne; inviting as many people to come as they want.

Beach cleanups are important because trash in the waters can injure swimmers and beachgoers, harm wildlife that eat it or get trapped in its mess, ensnare boat propellers, and most importantly, to Miami anyways, drive away tourists. With approximately 10 million people visiting Miami Beach each year, we want our beaches to be as clean and safe as possible, and that’s why our eco-club is so keen on trying to do our very best each time we visit.

However, a little piece of advice next time you decide to visit the beach: if you ever find watermelons, coconuts, feathers, bones, or chicken feet… don’t pick them up! We were told they’re part of voodoo rituals and we even found a voodoo doll! Welcome to Miami, I guess!

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A Dream Adventure in Ecuador Illustrates Why We Must Protect Earth

I’m just back from a trip of a lifetime, where I spent nearly two weeks in Ecuador. Half of the time in the Andes Mountains and the other half in the Galapagos Islands. It was an amazing and enriching adventure as part of my school’s (Palmer Trinity School) Agents of Change class in conjunction with Outward Bound and Lonesome George & Co. I’ve attached a couple of pictures… I mean how often can you hike to the top of a volcano, spend an afternoon watching clouds cruise over the top of it, camp at its base, and then a few days later swim with white tip sharks, sea lions, penguins, and sea turtles? For a girl that loves the outdoors, and wants to be a marine biologist, it was amazing.


Also amazing, is an article in today’s Miami Herald entitled, “Proof of Rapid Sea-Level Rise Found, Experts Say,” in which Archaological and Historical Conservancy executive Bob Carr and archaologist Ed Barberio discuss their findings in an ancient Tequesta Indian village site in downtown Miami where they are excavating a 2000 year old village and have unearthed what they say is strong evidence of South Florida’s escalating sea levels. Mr. Carr explains that he unearthed construction bricks from the 1860s and based on where he found them, versus where the water table is, has concluded that sea level in that area has risen over one third of a meter, or about twelve inches.

You can read the entire article by clicking on this link:

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