Category Archives: Global Warming

Aspen 2024

We take the view that to mitigate the worst effects of climate change and adapt our society to these unsettling conditions, we need to develop and deploy climate solutions on a planetary scale, with speed and efficiency. Importantly, we need the public to embrace ideas.

Aspen Ideas: Climate

Since 1949 the Aspen Institute has gained a worldwide reputation as a nonpartisan organization designed to bring an eclectic mix of renowned global thought leaders, creatives, scholars, and others together to seek solutions to the world’s most complex problems. Based today in Washington D.C., the Aspen Institute is one of the world’s preeminent educational and policy study organizations whose goal is to nurture leadership and transformational progress in numerous critical areas impacting our society including environment, business, energy, judiciary, culture, global affairs, healthc and, of course, our climate.

In partnership with the City of Miami Beach, and as a result of the vision of former Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber, Aspen Ideas: Climate has taken place annually in South Florida since its creation in 2022. Today, Aspen Ideas: Climate is widely considered the premier gathering of multigenerational, multi-sector leaders from around the world to engage on climate solutions and I am deeply proud to be included in this year’s event by being selected to both participate in its Future Leader’s program and to also serve as a speaker during the Climate Litigation 101: The Courts as a Climate Solution panel discussion.

Aspen Institute’s Future Leaders Initiative

Thanks ever so much to Nikki DeVignes, Director of the Future Leaders Initiative at the Aspen Institute, and her team for selecting me to participate in The Future Leaders Climate Summit here on Miami Beach along with 29 other young people between 18 and 30 from all around the world that are on the front lines of our fight to solve our climate crisis. Over the three-day event that preceded the annual Aspen Institute: Climate gathering, my young new friends and I heard from renowned climate experts, discussed climate solutions, engaged with each other on the issues we face within our communities, developed leadership skills required to help us achieve a more sustainable future, and built networks with one another.

Climate Litigation 101: The Courts as a Climate Solution

Once the Future Leaders event concluded I was honored to be invited to attend the full Aspen Ideas: Climate symposium as well as speak during the actual event as part of the “Climate Litigation 101: The Courts as a Climate Solution” panel discussion. Constitutional climate litigation – like the case I filled in 2018, Reynolds v. Florida  here in Florida and many others all over the US and the world beyond continue to grow in both numbers and success. With this in mind the folks at the Aspen Institute had the vision this year to include what was a wonderful session focused on how young people are leveraging constitutional law to address youth generations’ concerns over our climate crisis intended to protect our constitutional rights and the environment.

In addition to allowing me to discuss some of my past cases here in the state of Florida, as well as the more recent Petition I filled with the Department of Agriculture that led to 2023’s creation of the Florida’s landmark Renewable Energy Rule 5O-5, the panel talked about the incredible news from Montana last summer in which that state’s court ruled in the case Held v. Montana that the state’s government violated the constitutional rights of children through its historical laws and processes that promoted fossil fuels, overlooked climate change, and placed young citizens at risk. The Judge in that case determined that the laws in Montana that had promoted fossil fuels were unconstitutional.

I’ve posted the entire video on The Sink or Swim Project’s YouTube channel, as well as via the link here and within same you will find the discussion about some of my work on our climate crisis within the courts starting at the 20:46 minute mark.]

Thanks to Jacqueline Olivas-Sison and Katie Cassetta from Aspen Ideas for inviting me to speak, as well as to my dear friend, lawyer, and fellow panelist Andrea Rodgers, Senior Attorney from Our Children’s Trust for her always brilliant support; fellow panelist Sambhav Sankar, the SVP for Programs at Earthjustice; and moderator Dan Gelber, former Mayor at the City of Miami Beach and the major driving force behind having Aspen Ideas in South Florida. To learn more about the Aspen Institute or Aspen Ideas: Climate, click here or here.

Backward Part 2

My recent post, Backward, received a number of responses that expressed shock (and anger) that state lawmakers would be trying to remove phrases such as “climate change” from existing laws or seek to effectively outlaw sustainable wind energy, amongst other backwards steps to Florida’s energy policy. Many readers asked what they can do to voice their concerns about the proposed law (Senate Bill 1624 and House Bill 1645) and I am going to share a few suggestions with you in response in just a moment.

First, though, allow me to share a link to another recent article, in this case from the Tampa Bay Times, about the House of Representatives version of the Bill (HB1645) I wrote about a few days ago. The article further details some of the horrible steps that the proposed new law will take and even quotes it’s sponsor, Representative Bobby Payne from Palatka, Florida. Representative Payne shares his reasoning for sponsoring the bill by explaining the United States has spent billions on a climate change initiative and ideology that is unfitting for our country.” During Committee deliberations he also explained his perspective that our country would not be where it is today without fossil fuels.”

Interestingly, during that same Committee discussion, the article explained, that another Representative (and a member of the same political party as the bill’s sponsor), Randy Fine from Palm Bay, voted against the bill that day because part of the draft wording would limit Florida utilities’ ability to sell electricity to citizens who charge electric vehicles at their homes. Mr. Fine, the article notes, owns two electric cars and rightfully explained that such cars are the way of the future much less increasingly already popular today.

The article also quotes the Florida House Speaker, Paul Renner from Palm Coast, who makes it pretty darn clear that responding to the impacts of climate change, such as increased flooding, is his goal rather than addressing the core causes of the problem such as fossil fuel use. I don’t think you should interpret anything we’re doing about maybe an obsolete program or whatnot as a lack of commitment to anything that’s happening in the environment. To the contrary … we’re not backing away one bit from being a resilient state and taking whatever the climate sends us.” It sure would be nice if Florida’s leadership would take interest in proactively addressing the causes of our climate crisis rather than boasting about waiting for what the “climate sends us” all the while protecting the state’s politically connected utilities’ polluting ways over our environment and future generations wellbeing.

To express your concern (outrage), please contact your Senator and Representative and let your voice be heard. It only takes a few minutes online and my experience is that elected officials take their constituents comments seriously. Here are the quick/easy steps to take (please note that the folks in the photos below are examples from :

1. You will want to determine your specific voting district for both the Florida Senate and House. Information regarding your district can be found on your voter registration card, as well as online.

2. You can determine your designated elected official in the House of Representatives here:

3. Click the “Full Detail” Button.

4. Click “Contact Member.”

5. Email Representative (it is here you can express your specific concern about these bills or anything else).

6.You can locate your Florida Senator (and US Senator and Representative) here:

7. You can email your Senator by selecting the “Email this Senator” button (it is here you can express your specific concern about these bills or anything else).

I’d also like to recommend reaching out to the current Speaker of the House, Paul Renner, and upcoming Speaker of the House, Daniel Perez. I have included their contact information below:

Paul Renner, 2022-2024 Speaker of the House
Capitol Phone: (850) 717-5019
Capitol Address:
420 The Capitol
402 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300

Daniel Perez, 2024-2028 Speaker of the House
Capitol Phone: (850) 717-5116
Capitol Address:
422 The Capitol
402 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300

My last suggestion is to never, ever think that your voice and vote does not matter.

In our Democracy both matter. A lot.

Not only do I encourage you to share your concerns about these current Bills or anything else that’s on your mind but to please vote in every single election as if our futures depend on it (because it does). And ask all of your friends and family to vote too.

2024 is a critically important election year, perhaps the most important election in our lifetimes, so please vote. And when you vote please consider politicians who are committed to working on the core causes of our climate crisis including the elimination of fossil fuel use in addition to the other issues important to you.

Together, we can make a difference and move our country forward in ways that help our environment and future generations.


Florida’s legislature is currently in session, and I am saddened to share that a group of legislators are enthusiastically taking steps to diminish efforts to solve our climate crisis and protect our ever so fragile state. The Legislature has filed a set of bills, House Bill (HB) 1645 and Senate Bill (SB) 1624, that are designed to take our energy system backward by overtly diminishing the reality that climate change is increasingly having on Florida while protecting Florida’s ever so powerful utilities’ desire to embrace their antiquated, polluting investments in energy distribution rather than our environment and its citizens. It’s enough to make me sick and is something I would encourage every citizen of our state to learn about immediately.

The good news is (or was) that in 2006 Florida’s legislature had the foresight to implement Statute § 366.92, the Florida Renewable Energy Policy, which mandated an increase in the use of renewable energy as well as a reduction on our state’s dependence on fossil fuels for electrical production. In the nearly two decades that followed that law’s passage, no one bothered to create rules or goals to achieve its mandate until a group of concerned youth from all over Florida filled a Petition for Rulemaking in 2022. That petition, which I helped lead, sought to establish the actual rules, goals, and other steps needed to help utilities embrace the 2006 laws mandates and transition towards sustainability. The effort, which you can read about here, concluded with the State of Florida’s Office of Energy, part of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, implementing Administrative Rule 5O-5: Renewable Energy. For the first time in our state’s history Rule 5O-5 established goals to help Florida’s energy system transition to becoming 100% renewable energy based over the next few decades.

The bad news is that Florida politicians have recently introduced a pair of shameful bills that are making their way through the House & Senate which aim to take the state’s pollution generating energy system backward in time by protecting the powerful utilities. If passed, these bills would eliminate phrases within the current law such as “greenhouse gases,” ban wind generated energy and overtly protect natural gas, a significant (methane) source of pollution that is helping warm our climate. Such environmentally damaging steps can’t possibly be dreamed up by the politicians themselves and are clearly bought and scripted by the utilities that seek to continue their polluting ways by protecting their investments and investors.

You can read about what our elected officials are doing right now to take Florida’s environment backward in the following article by Jim Saunders of the News Service of Florida that appeared online in Florida Trend (the red highlights are my own) or by clicking here.

Lawmakers ready to overhaul state energy laws

Jim Saunders | News Service of Florida | 2/20/2024

TALLAHASSEE — Florida lawmakers are moving toward approving an overhaul of state energy laws, including eliminating references to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and imposing a ban on offshore wind-energy generation.

The Senate Agriculture, Environment and General Government Appropriations Committee on Tuesday approved a revised bill (SB 1624) that sponsor Jay Collins, R-Tampa, said is now in line with a measure (HB 1645) ready to go to the full House.

The bills address numerous issues, ranging from natural gas pipelines to calling for a study of using “advanced” nuclear power technologies. Perhaps bigger picture, they would ditch parts of state law about reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.

Collins said bill supporters are trying to “maintain our stability in the grid” and balance costs to taxpayers.

“There are things we’re taking off of the books. There are laws that we’re pulling out of there,” Collins told the Senate committee. “But it’s not because we don’t care about our environment. I think, if you look at what Florida’s doing, we do a very good job as stewards of our land, now and into the future. I think what it (the bill) does is it lets us look at this and do the things that actually have a functionable, repeatable benefit.”

But critics pointed to issues such as flooding caused by sea-level rise.

“I’m not sure how it became political to care about our environment,” Sen. Tina Polsky, D-Boca Raton, said. “Florida is ground zero for climate disasters. We are surrounded by water, and the effects are showing.”

As an example, part of current state law says, “The Legislature finds that the state’s energy security can be increased by lessening dependence on foreign oil; that the impacts of global climate change can be reduced through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; and that the implementation of alternative energy technologies can be a source of new jobs and employment opportunities for many Floridians.”

Under the bills, that section of law would be deleted, and partly replaced by sentences that say, “The purpose of the state’s energy policy is to ensure an adequate, reliable, and cost-effective supply of energy for the state in a manner that promotes the health and welfare of the public and economic growth. The Legislature intends that governance of the state’s energy policy be efficiently directed toward achieving this purpose.”

Florida utilities during the past two decades have become heavily dependent on natural gas to fuel power plants, while largely ending the use of dirtier-burning coal. At the same time, utilities have built numerous solar-energy facilities, as costs have decreased and technology has improved.

The bills address a series of issues related to natural gas. As an example, gas pipelines within Florida that are 15 miles or longer currently need certification under a law known as the Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Siting Act. Under the bills, the requirement would apply to pipelines 100 miles or longer.

Unlike some other parts of the country such as the Midwest, Florida does not rely on wind-generated power. But the bills would ban building or operating offshore wind turbines in Florida-controlled waters and on property within one mile of coastlines.

Collins said the proposed ban is designed to help protect wildlife and ecosystems and to prevent noise.

“Overall, the risk to our flora and fauna, our whales, the ecosystem around there, that’s concerning,” Collins said. “And then the tourism and noise aspect as well is also concerning.”

But Polsky and Sen. Lori Berman, D-Boca Raton, suggested the issue should be studied before a ban is imposed.

“We are stopping an industry,” Berman said. “We are supposedly the free state of Florida. It’s being done all along the Northeast (United States). They have wind turbines, and I haven’t seen any studies that (they) were causing (harm to) whales and extreme environmental damage in those areas.”

The Senate committee voted 6-3 to approve Collins’ bill, which needs to clear the Fiscal Policy Committee before it could go to the full Senate.

The future of Florida’s energy system must be powered by clean, sustainable power. Fossil fuel use, and that includes methane producing natural gas, must come to a sensible, well planned end over the next few decades. Taking the type of steps called for today in both SB 1624 and HB 1645 only serve to take Florida backward by embracing the pollution and polluters that are causing our climate to warm.

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