Category Archives: Miami

The Room Where It Happens

No one else was in
The room where it happened
The room where it happened
The room where it happened

No one really knows how the game is played
The art of the trade
How the sausage gets made
We just assume that it happens
But no one else is in
The room where it happens. 

“The Room Where It Happens” From Hamilton
Written by Lin-Manuel Miranda

Prior to this year’s COP28 here in Dubai there was rightfully a great deal of concern expressed about oil industry lobbyists trying to increasingly control the world’s annual climate conference, of various countries working to use the United Nations meeting to greenwash their polluting ways, of a lack of transparency, and of conflicts of interest galore. Many of those same concerns have been amplified since COP28 began earlier this week and as I wrote in an earlier post COP28 stands to be controversial for many reasons but not reason enough to avoid the Conference, debate, and negotiations.

To avoid the worst impacts from our climate crisis, the science makes it clear to anyone interested in listening, the world must transition away from the fossil fuels that society has relied upon since the dawn of the industrial revolution to sustainable, clean energy. That transition will not happen overnight, but it must commence on a widespread global basis and then in the years ahead it must accelerate before it’s too late (and based on every scientific indication, study, analysis, and report, we are at the tipping point of “it’s now or never” to move the transition forward in a meaningful, measurable manner).

“We look forward to being there. Our absence from the discussion will not serve the interest of our islands.”

Ambassador Samuelu Laloniu
Special Envoy of Tuvalua

Consider, for example, small island nations, places all over earth that are at the real risk of extinction due to sea level rise caused by fossil fuels warming our atmosphere and oceans and the resulting impact of those temperature increasingly melting glacial ice. Places like the Florida Keys, where I am from. And places like the Seychelles (that I wrote about while at COP27 in Egypt last year), Samoa, or Tuvalu, or the other members of the Alliance of Small Island States as examples. Those nations are rightfully here because they are desperate to find solutions along with the almost 200 countries and approximately 97,000 people wanting… no, needing to be part of the most important discussion humanity might ever face.

When asked why he’s here in light of some of the concerns people have expressed about this COP, here’s what the Chairman of the Small Island’s Delegation, Ambassador Fatumanava-o-Upolu III Pa’olelei, had to say: This is an issue that requires us all to work together. Sometimes its perhaps more important to engage with those that do not necessarily share your perspective.” I could not agree more with the Ambassador.

Logically, every fossil fuel producing nation and business within the oil and gas industry has a direct, deep vested interest in protecting their revenue and profits. Whether your country has built kingdoms and castles from oil proceeds, or you operate a multi-national corporation that drills, pumps, or transports fossil fuels, builds gas oriented equipment or, for that matter, runs the local corner gas station or natural gas utility, every stakeholder on the planet is going to fight to keep what they have built.

It is indisputable that there are economies all over the world that will be impacted by a transition away from fossil fuels and to sustainable energy. Same with countless organizations, their shareholders, and employees. The transition will be an extraordinarily heavy lift, but it’s one that our society must collectively take as the down sides to not transitioning our approach to energy are far more dire than the inconvenience, perceived pain, or short-term suffering that we must temporarily navigate.

According to the data analytical firm Precedence Research, the global fossil fuel market in 2022 was valued at $7.2 Trillion (USD) and is predicted to grow to nearly $12 Trillion by 2032. The United States accounts for the largest segment of that market, an estimated 36%.  

In the United States, where I live, the market for fossil fuels is currently estimated at $1.8 Trillion (2022) and that is expected to increase to an estimated $2.94 Trillion by 2032. By any measure it is a massive industry that will take decades to transition, but is a transition we must begin in earnest now.

With that much revenue at stake, is it honestly of a surprise to anyone that those with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo would want to protect their turf by delaying or avoiding the transition to sustainable energy? Nope.

And should it surprise any of us that some of those same stakeholders will resort to nearly any tactic necessary including lying, cheating, or deceiving anyone that will listen in hopes of delaying or avoiding the transition that without evolution threatens their way of life? Again, nope.

Logically, we should understand that there are many nations and businesses that struggle with the idea of transitioning away from fossil fuel, with what must honestly and openly be called an economic threat. And, just as logically, many (perhaps most and maybe even all) of those so threatened by the coming transition will wage outright wars for their survival by fighting every single step of the way to continue profiting from an antiquated fuel source rather than looking for new ways to participate in what I call the “sustainable energy economy.” And I expect that some of those fights will be veiled in greenwashing attempts while others will be financed by lavish lobbying or sketch tactics like creating a carbon credit market rather than taking the actual steps to solve the problem by reducing and eliminating fossil fuel production. And, most certainly, some will or have become more nefarious and, in time, even violent in the most extreme cases given the high economic stakes involved.

As we stand here today at the dawn of the sustainable energy economy, none of the lobbying, greenwashing, deception, or the rest of that noise should surprise any of us. Those countries that profit from oil and the businesses that harvest and sell it are going to vigorously fight back. I’ve seen that up close in my own community from utilities or others with vested interests in protecting their investments and profits and, yes, it’s here at COP28 with greenwashing and lobbying taking place in plain sight. But should we run from the opposition or avoid the fight by not being here? I say no. Heck no!

In fact, we must be here and be prepared to discuss, negotiate, and, yes if needed, battle. Those of us fighting for the transition are, I am certain, on the right side of history; thus, we must be engaged on the front lines of this fight or else we might as well concede by staying home… and that’s just not my style.

And so I am here in Dubai, as I was in Egypt last year, despite the greenwashing, lobbying, and all of the other forces working against the transition. Why? Because it’s a profound way to learn. It is an excellent way to connect with others from around the world that are intent on solving our climate crisis. And I feel that it’s important to be directly engaged with others on both sides of the debate to find solutions in hopes that, just maybe, we can “move the needle” as my friend David Smith, the founder of CAVU, likes to say. So, here I am (that’s me in the brown shirt at the biggest negotiating table I’ve ever seen, in this case during the Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties and guidance to the Global Environment Facility (Agenda Item COP 8(d)).

And here I am at the Women Building a Climate-Resilient World panel discussion, moderated by former Secretary of the United States Hillary Clinton.

And, yes, I could include more examples from more meetings here at COP28 because I have been running around from meeting to meeting every day like a crazy woman. Like, to quote another Lin Manuel Miranda song from his opus Hamilton, “I am running out of time.” Because we are.

But the point here is that while some prominent politicians, environmental leaders, and activists have dismissed COP28 and stayed home over concerns of greenwashing, fossil fuel lobbying, and so on, I am here to learn, observe, speak up/out, and collaborate with the majority of good people at the Conference that share my concern that our climate crisis threatens our future in ways that only world wars or some dystopian science fiction story presented in the past.

Avoiding the fight and discussion is not a solution.

We need to be in the room where it happens.

Phase Out, Phase Down, or Do Nothing at All?

COP28’s Most Important Question

As the COP28 meetings progress here in Dubai, the core, central question for the Conference in my view will be whether the nearly 200 nations from around the world in attendance can agree to implement wording to guide society’s energy transformation away from fossil fuels and to mankind’s sustainable energy future. In United Nation’s language it is a question of whether a consensus can be reached to Phase Out (meaning that we work to methodically eliminate fossil fuel use in line with the steps and timeline needed to meet the 1.5 degree Celsius goal from the Paris Agreement) or Phase Down (meaning to simply reduce fossil fuel use) or do nothing at all.

According to the World Economic Forum’s new State of the Climate Action report, the world must reduce global fossil fuel emissions by 7% per year until 2030 to have any chance of hitting the 1.5 degree Celsius target yet. Currently, however, we are on track to increase emissions by at least 1.5% per year over this time period. As part of the UN’s first ever Global Stocktake (to learn more about the Stocktake visit my earlier blog here) member nations are again debating what wording should be used on this critically important point. You can review the draft wording entitled Matters Relating to the Global Stocktake Under the Paris Agreement here).

My position on this topic has long been simple: if we are to solve our climate crisis and mitigate the worst possible impacts, then we must agree to eliminate fossil fuel use around the world. Period.

The 2015 Paris Agreement included the aspirational goal of keeping temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial temperature levels, a time when fossil fuels were not widely used by society. As of today our current trajectory, without quickly seeing major steps to materially cut emissions by nations around the world, the science shows us that we are trending towards an increase between at least 2 degrees and as much as 3 degrees Celsius. This range of a result will have dramatic, in some cases catastrophic, impact on people, economies, and environments all over the world; thus, taking aggressive action quickly is essential and that action should include a Phase Out of fossil fuel use.

The UN’s draft wording that’s being debated here in Dubai also includes suggested steps towards sustainability that have gained significant support such as ending fossil fuel subsidies in a fair manner, tripling renewable energy, and doubling energy efficiency. Each of these concepts will likely be in the final, inaugural Stocktake, and that’s good news. Efficiency advances and a dramatic expansion of renewable energy led by significant decreases in the cost of such power are already taking place all around the world so those concepts are easy for nations to support.

And speaking of the UN’s draft, here’s what UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said about phasing out or down fossil fuel use in his opening comments this week here in Dubai (the red highlights are my own):

“The 1.5-degree limit is only possible if we ultimately stop burning all fossil fuels.
Not reduce.
Not abate.  
Phaseout – with a clear timeframe aligned with 1.5 degrees.”

António Guterres
United Nation’s Secretary-General

The bad news is that the decision over whether to include the word “Out” versus “Down,” or even any wording related to fossil fuel production at all, is once again a major area of contention. Following COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, in which countries thankfully agreed to Phase Down the use of coal, the debate has shifted to other fossil fuels, namely natural gas and petroleum (oil).

Now I know that a shift away from gas and oil will not be easy or immediate. I realize that many countries rely on their fossil fuel production, the United States included, for critical economic, security, and societal reasons and that the transition that must happen will take time. It will also take a world-wide effort to make this transition reality but it is indisputable that scientist around the world, myself certainly included, believe that this is the only sure-fire way to limit the worst impacts of our climate crisis.

The question here in Dubai is whether the nations of the world will support the Phase Out that’s critically needed or whether the largest oil producers of the world will win by seeing the Phase Down wording used or, as is their true preference, having the Conference documents remain silent on this important point. It’s not an immaterial question when you consider that in many ways the wellbeing of future generations and our environment hang in the balance.

Logically those nations that produce the most oil and gas are protective of maintaining the status quo. Nations that don’t rely on fossil fuels but that are subjected to the resulting rising temperatures and sea levels, such as the small island nations of the world, are generally very much in favor of a Phase Out. Here are a few examples of the recent differences of opinion:

1. Russia, a country whose fossil fuels power much of its economy, has been very vocal in opposing any Phase Out wording and calls such an idea “economic discrimination.”

2. China, the world’s largest producer of greenhouse gas emissions at an estimated 14.4 billion metric tons, is against any formal wording of Phase Out language; however, they have pledged to gradually phase out fossil fuel consumption including through its participation in the G7 (see below). The chart below from CNN based on data from Climate Action Tracker illustrates how China compares to other nations, in this case the 20 largest pollution emitters.

At COP26, China supported wording to Phase Down coal as a positive move that seemed to surprised many. The Chinese have also announced plans to generate 25% of its energy from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030, amongst other steps. Progress towards sustainability appears to being made in China and, as with any other industrialized nation on earth, it appears that the Chinese realize that there are strong environmental and economic reasons to embrace sustainable energy.

3. Our COP28 host nation, the UAE itself the seventh largest oil producer in the world and a country intent, they say, on nearly doubling oil production by 2030 while also stating it plans to exhaust every drop of its oil (something it predicts will happen around 2050) – talks about a natural reduction of fossil fuel use rather than embracing a transition to eliminate it.

And speaking of the UAE, the media has been sharing comments reportedly made by the UAE’s COP28 leadership questioning the science that supports phasing out fossil fuel use and suggesting such steps would “take the world back into caves.”

As I reported in an earlier post, COP28 is nothing if not controversial.

4. Earlier this year the 27 nations of the European UnionKenya and others bravely announced support for Phasing Out fossil fuels.

5. The Group of Seven (G7) includes the United States, China, Japan, France, Italy Germany, and the United Kingdom and earlier this year they vowed to support speeding up the Phase Out of fossil fuels. However, they have yet to provide details. an actual plan, or whether the collective would agree to steps tied to reaching the Paris Agreement’s 1.5 degree Celsius goal.

6. Independently,  my own country, the United States, has announced that it favors a Phase Down of fossil fuel use. The US produces more barrels of oil per day (nearly 13 billion) than any other nation and its per capita production of fossil fuel pollution only trails Saudi Arabia and Australia, as this chart also from CNN and based on data from Climate Action Tracker depicts.

It is clear that phasing out a reliance on fossil fuels is going to take time and present many challenges, and that’s certainly true in the United States. That said, it can (and morally must) be done and simply will take the resolve and ingenuity that my country has been well-known for since its founding. If America can decide to send men to the moon and within seven years (just seven years!) do exactly that for the first time in the history of mankind, then we can most certainly transition away from fossil fuels and to sustainable energy.

And I, for one, would like to see the United States lead the way into the future rather than be mired in wasteful debates about why we should sit on the sidelines embracing fossil fuels as some ruminate about what one country or another might or might not do on their own to fix the climate. Candidly, and I know most young people that I connect with agree, there should be no real debate over what I see as an inevitable transition the world must make to eliminate every possible bit of fossil fuel use and embrace sustainable solutions.

As I have written on these pages before, there was a time before the automobile in which many people traveled on foot, by horse, and by buggy or carriage. When the world transitioned away from these long tried and true forms of transportation and to automobiles, motorcycles, trains, planes, and the like, the world did not end. Economies did not crumble. People and businesses and nations transitioned into the future. The world took a step forward and has only ever since grown and grown.

And while I am on this soapbox from Dubai, let me say that I believe that we can be confident that the same thing will happen as we transition away from the use of gas, oil, and coal. Society will evolve, become better because of the transition, and do the right thing morally and ethically for itself and future generations by protecting our environment in ways that polluting it with fossil fuels simply can’t. It’s time we get on with it and into our sustainable energy future.

As noted, the debate over Phasing Out or Phasing Down fossil fuel use is not a new one, nor one that I believe will be solved this year in Dubai. In fact, at last year’s COP27 in Egypt I was excited to witness an effort to implement wording to Phase Down fossil fuel use, an initiative that then had the support of about 80 nations, only to then watch it fail when oil and gas producers such as Saudi Arabia energetically expressed opposition to such wording and, instead, touted the supposed promise of carbon capture technology. For those that want to keep pumping oil and gas from the ground and pollution into our atmosphere and oceans, their approach last year was, you could say, a “winning” strategy. Unfortunately for the rest of us the science shows us that carbon capture is not a scalable solution to actually solve the climate crisis.

The spirit, however, of the COP meetings by the UN is to create a consensus amongst all nations and I believe it’s already fair to say that when it comes to the Phasing Down or Out of fossil fuels, that will not happen here in Dubai. No, my friends, I expect that the debate by the world’s nations on a plan to reduce or cease fossil fuel production will continue beyond COP28 while far too many of those countries, in the words of UN Secretary General Guterres, are happy to “kick the can down the road.”

And lacking a global consensus to either Phase Down or Phase Out fossil fuels, the oil and gas producers and polluters that significantly fuel earths rising temperatures and sea levels will likely leave this year’s COP again able to celebrate far too many of the world’s nations sad lack of resolve, its greed, and its indecision.

Why I’m Off to Dubai & the United Nation’s COP28 Negotiations

I am pleased to share with you that in just a few hours I am off to the airport to spend the next two weeks at the 28th meeting of the world’s nations organized by the United Nations as its Framework Convention on Climate Change, something called the Conference of the Parties (since this is the 28th, it’s referred to as “COP28” for short), that this year is being held  in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. COP28 is historic in that it will be the first such meeting to be located within an Arabian country and follows last year’s equally historic session, which I also attended, that was held in Egypt and that marked the first time these meetings were held in an African nation (you can read about my COP27 trip in 2022 by visiting posts here, here, and here).

The first COP meeting took place in 1995 and followed 1992’s creation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This year marks the 28th meeting since COP was created and will have an estimated 70,000 delegates representing 197 nations in attendance. Although all of the parties signed the 1992 framework document that called on the nations of the world to “protect the climate system for the benefit of present and future generations of humankind,” that framework did not actually include the details or steps on how they would meet their goals. Ever since the framework was created, the COP negotiations have been designed to implement the actual steps, milestones, and monitoring devices needed to meet its goals.

As I have shared in the past, I’ve been honored to work with the United Nations on several occasions over the last nine years, including having addressed the entire General Assembly in New York in 2017, but being able to participate in a conference of the world’s nations negotiating a global climate treaty designed to address the most important issue my generation will ever face (our climate crisis) in person is an amazing, humbling opportunity. As with my trip to Egypt last year, I am headed to Dubai with a contingent of professionals from the School of Law I attend here at the University of Miami and would like to thank my professors Dr. Jessica Owley and Dr. Daniel Suman, as well as President Frenk and the entire University of Miami family, for making our climate crisis a priority for our university, community, and the world beyond.

I am especially grateful this year to share that I have been awarded an Environmental Law Fellowship by the School of Law and have also been appointed as the Head of Delegations for the University of Miami for the conference. In addition to my work and research obligations for the School of Law I will also be giving a speech on Climate Activism at one of the Pavilion’s during the second week of the Conference and on December 1st will be taking over the various social media accounts for Our Children’s Trust, the youth focused environmental non-profit law firm I’ve long worked with, live from Dubai. It’s going to be a busy two weeks and I will do my best to keep you informed while also working on the solutions that we so desperately need to solve our climate crisis.

Every “COP” session led by the United Nations is an important opportunity for the nations of the world to debate and try to decide how mankind collectively wants to address our climate crisis but this year’s session and location is especially critical and perhaps controversial. If we are to truly ever solve our climate crisis then it is essential that society must transition global energy use away from fossil fuels such as oil and coal and to sustainable energy such as wind, solar, and hydrogen power. A core question to consider is whether mankind, the nations of the world, and the global oil industry can or will transition to sustainability before it’s too late? With this in mind, a few of the issues that will define COP28 and will be major focuses of my own time here include the following:

1. Are the World’s Oil Producers Honestly Interested (or Able) in Transitioning Away From Fossil Fuels?

The United States currently leads all nations in daily oil production at about 12,900,000 barrels of oil per day followed by Russia at 9,480,000 barrels and Saudi Arabia, one of the 13 members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries known as “OPEC,” at 9,060,000 barrels. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is also one of the 13 members of OPEC and is, today, the seventh largest producer of oil per day at about 3,250,000 barrels but has announced plans to significantly increase its oil production by 2030, to an estimated 5,000,000 barrels per day and to continue producing oil until its reserves are exhausted in about 2050. Since becoming independent in 1971 from the United Kingdom, the UAE – a federation of the seven emirates of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Al Fujairah, Dubai, Ras al Khaymah, Sharjah, and Umm al Qaywayn – has been largely dependent on its oil and natural gas resources to support its economy.

Collectively the 13 OPEC nations (Algeria, Angola, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Venezuela) produce nearly 60% of the world’s oil. That figure along with the UAE being the first OPEC nation to host the world’s climate talks make this year’s event especially fascinating. Is it, for example, logical to think that the largest fossil oil producers of the world have any real interest (or ability) to shift away from that major source of economic revenue and to sustainable energy?

“The oil and gas industry is facing a moment of truth at COP28 in Dubai.
With the world suffering the impacts of a worsening climate crisis, continuing with
business as usual is neither socially nor environmentally responsible.”

Faith Birol, Executive Director
International Energy Agency

In 2023 our planet’s human population surpassed 8 billion people for the first time ever and along the way mankind’s thirst for fossil fuels only ever seems to grow and grow. In fact, according to a new United Nations Environment report focused on the gap in fossil fuel production cuts and what’s needed to meet climate goals, global fossil fuel production by 2030 is likely to be more than twice where we need to be to meet the 2015 Paris Agreement’s climate goals. Twice!

To solve our climate crisis we must bring mankind’s use of fossil fuels to an end as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the countries and companies that produce those fossil fuels and the profits that come with them appear to have a far different plan. The new UN report studies 20 major fossil fuel producers from all over the world, countries that collectively produce 82% of all fossil fuels, and consume 73% of all fossil fuels. The study found that those countries plan to produce 110% more fossil fuels in 2030 than would be consistent with the Paris Agreement’s aspiration goal of a 1.5 degree increase above pre-industrial global temperatures and 69% more than 2% above pre-industrial levels. The report also noted that none of the 20 countries studied have committed to reducing coal, oil, or decrease production in ways to meet the 1.5 degree goal while nearly all of these countries continue to support, promote, and subsidize expanding fossil fuel production. IF we are to ever fix our climate crisis then all of this must change.

2. How Much of a Threat to Our Future is “Greenwashing,” Lobbying, and “PR” Efforts by Oil Companies at COP?

The Global Witness recently published an interesting blog (which you can find here) entitledCarbon Capture: The Oil Lobby’s Trojan Horse at COP 28″ with the subheading “How Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Are Skewing Climate Talks Towards False Solutions” that shares some alarming insights. The post explains that the fossil fuel producers are using the promise of something called carbon capture (also sometimes called “Direct Air Capture”) and effectively hijacking the young carbon capture industry trade associations, namely the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute, to suggest that they have embraced solutions that are actually not likely viable on the scale needed to solve our climate crisis while continuing their polluting business as usual. The article notes that more than 80% of carbon capture projects to-date have failed and that the technology is more often used to harvest more oil than solve clean our climate. Or, as the author states,ultimately carbon capture is much more likely to safeguard the future of the fossil fuel industry than it is to safeguard humanity.”

While fossil fuel producers are heavily investing in carbon capture and touting these investments in their “PR” and climate presentations as “proof” of how committed they are to decreasing or eliminating carbon pollution, or that that is even possible (again, thus far these technologies can’t and don’t seem to work on anything close to the scale that would be needed), the fact that they so often tout it as a solution to the climate crisis, much less do so under the banner of COP, gives them the appearance of legitimacy while continuing to produce the product causing the pollution. What they are doing by increasingly inserting themselves into climate negotiations, while strategically wise to protect their own businesses and bottom lines, has many concerned that it will slow or stop the actual steps needed to try to fix the problem (mainly, eliminating fossil fuel use).

The post also recalls an article (you can read it here) from the Climate Change News on carbon capture within which oil company Occidental Petroleum CEO Vicki Hollub was quoted as saying that carbon capture would “preserve our industry.” And here is what she touted to her colleagues at an oil industry conference in March 2023:

“Direct air capture is going to be technology that helps to preserve
our industry and gives it a license to continue to operate for the next
60, 70, 80 years that I think it’s going to be very much needed.”

Vicki Hollub, CEO
Occidental Petroleum

Not only is this concept being touted within the oil industry and at climate talks like COP as a viable solution, it’s also being used to recruit young people who might have understandable reservations about working for an oil company. Here’s what Ms. Hollub had to say about how touting this technology helps her company recruit and retain younger workers on the podcast Outrage and Optimism:

“The employees love this, especially our earlier
career employees who now had questions about
whether or not they should be working for an oil company.”

Vicki Hollub, CEO
Occidental Petroleum

While I would also love to think we can vacuum carbon out of our atmosphere at the scale needed to stop the pollution, much less earth’s warming, such scalable technology is neither available nor appears on the horizon in a time frame that will help us address earth’s warming. And yet the oil producers are promoting this technology as if it is “the” solution and that’s also happening at COP negotiations. I expect to see and hear oil producing nations and oil companies here in Dubai amplify their hope for this technology but for a dose of reality would ask everyone to consider the science and scientists. Say, for example, IPCC author and Berkeley Earth scientist Zeke Hausfather who had this to say about carbon capture and what we actually need to do to solve the problem (spoiler alert: dramatic reductions in fossil fuel emissions):

“Carbon dioxide removal is an important part of getting
to net-zero and stopping the world from warming. But it cannot
be used as an alternative to deep emissions reductions.”

Zeke Hasfather
IPCC Author & Climate Scientist

One of the growing related concerns at COP negotiations is the massive increase in oil industry stakeholders, whether companies that produce oil like Exxon, Shell, and BP to name three well known examples, or oil producing countries such as the United States or this year’s host, the UAE, lobbying within this United Nations event to slow or stop a transition away from fossil fuels, much less use their attendance at COP to control the narrative while seeking to avoid the type of fossil fuel reductions we actually need in order to solve the problem.

While many such companies and countries like to promote feel good thoughts about the progress they are making to become “green” the reality is often far different than the public relations. That “PR” and the limited steps such stakeholders are taking is often called “greenwashing” and typically involves providing the public with misleading or false information about the environmental impact that its products, services, or operations are having.

Consider a recent report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) that explains that the fossil fuel industry currently accounts for only about 1% of global investment in clean energy while it continues to produce the polluting products that are warming our planet’s atmosphere. According to the IEA, there have been, for example, 27 direct air capture plants built around the world that capture 10,000 tonnes of CO2 a year (about the equivalent of the emissions from 2,000 petroleum fueled cars).

Let’s all keep that figure, 1%, in mind the next time you see an oil company advertising how much they are doing to produce and promote “clean energy” or when an oil producing nation tells the world at a venue such as COP how “committed” they are to eliminating the very pollution they profit from as earth warms hotter and hotter.

3. Carbon Trading: Are Carbon Credits & Offsets a Legit Way to Reduce Warming or a Bamboozle to Continue Fossil Fuel Production?

One of the fascinating (and troubling) stories related to COP28 will focus on the steps that many nations, oil companies, and others have been taking to purchase truly massive amounts of forested land around the world to then sell rights to that land in the form of carbon credits (I wrote about the controversial use of carbon credits while at last year’s COP27 in Egypt and you can read about here). Needless to say, protecting the world’s forests is critically important. In fact, by some estimate’s deforestation is linked to about 12% of all global warming emissions.

The controversy, however, centers on the fact that oil rich nations and others are purchasing forests only to create tradable carbon credits as if they were game tokens in exchange for not cutting down forests. Those credits are then used to offset the pollution that a given country or company creates from fossil fuels while still producing those very same products.

It has, for example, been recently reported that nearly 20% of the entire African nation of Zimbabwe was sold in such a transaction with the intent of conserving forests that otherwise run the risk of being logged which, in turn, would have led to vast amounts of carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere had cutting down those trees been allowed. And Zimbabwe is not alone; similar deals have been announced in recent months  in several other African nations including Kenya, Liberia, Tanzania and Zambia.

Such conservation deals, while certainly helpful to protecting the world’s forests, are highly controversial because these businesses then sell carbon credits to companies and governments to, in my view, artificially “offset” the  pollution they generate by producing fossil fuels while allowing them to continue to produce and/or burn the same planet-warming fossil fuels. The polluters continue their business-as-usual approach while touting how they have “invested” in reducing their carbon footprint by buying carbon credits. It seems like a bamboozle on a global scale likely never seen before in the history of earth, yet appears an artificial transaction that still leaves much of earth’s environment at dire risk from warming.

4. Transitioning to Clean Energy: The First Ever “Global Stocktake”

For the first time since the Paris Agreement was announced at COP21 in Paris (aka the Paris Agreement) in 2015, this year’s climate conference will take stock on the world’s nations’ “status” towards meeting its goals, what the UN calls a “global stock taking” or “Global Stocktake.” Over the last two years the UN has been collecting data on the world’s status (I do not believe using the word “progress” would be correct at this point) towards its 2015 Paris goals, where we are in reducing polluting emissions, becoming more resilient, and devising solutions to help developing nations pay their costs to address these important issues.

Unfortunately, the initial assessment by the UN is not good. In his comments in recent weeks, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has explained that “we can no longer kick the can down the road” because we have run out of road” (meaning time). In recently speaking about the Global Stocktake, the Secretary General is asking the world’s nations to quickly:

  1. Triple renewable energy capacity
  2. Double energy efficiency
  3. Deliver clean power to everyone by 2030
  4. Phase out all fossil fuels, with a clear time frame connected to the 1.5 degree Celsius goal within the 2015 Paris Agreement
  5. Identify where climate action is deficient and create a plan to get the applicable countries on track.

In its November 20th, 2023 Emissions Gap Report (Emissions Gap Report 2023 | UNEP – UN Environment Programme) entitled Broken Record” the United Nations makes clear that while global temperatures reached new highs in 2023, records that are likely to soon see 2023 deemed the hottest year in recorded history, that theworld fails to cut emissions” and concludes that mankind is on a course to fail to reach 2015’s Paris Agreement’s aspirational goal of a 1.5 degree Celsius increase in earth’s temperatures as compared to pre-industrial temperatures.

In fact, the new report suggests that an increase of 2.0 degrees is more likely, but that without the nations of the world quickly taking dramatic steps and becoming far more serious about our climate crisis, that we are now on track for an increase in the range of 2.9 degrees above pre-industrial levels. The report notes that predicted 2030 emissions must decrease by between 28% and 42% for society to have a chance to see temperatures only increase between 1.5 degrees and 2 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels.

5. How Does the World Help Smaller Nations?

COP28 will also focus, as was the case last year in Egypt, on finance including ways to pay for the transition away from fossil fuels and especially how smaller nations that produce little of the world’s pollution but are subjected to the damage from our warming climate will pay for resilience projects and the shift to sustainability.

COP27 produced an agreement that created something called a “loss and damage fund” (you can read about this topic from my post from Egypt on it last year here) to help the world’s most vulnerable people and nations address climate change and disasters caused by our warming planet. In Dubai how to equitably finance the costs for such programs will again be a major focus of debate for all nations.

It’s an understatement to say that there is much work to be done to solve our global climate crisis but only by working together as citizens of the world will we ever fix the problem. I look forward to attending this year’s historic session in Dubai, to learning and, I hope, in helping play a role in finding the solutions our environment needs before its too late.

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