Category Archives: Happy


It’s right there in the title every darn year. We all know the phrase by heart. Happy New Year!

Happy. As in happiness. As 2024 comes to a close and a new year begins tonight, I’ve been reflecting a lot on a few of the things that made my own 2024 such a happy year for me and that give me hope for our collective futures. In the year ahead we will have plenty of time to tackle our challenges and work to make things better but, for now, I’m going to focus on the progress being made, the good news, and the good within each of us.

* The Florida Panthers WON the Stanley Cup! I love hockey and it sure was a joy to follow my Cats (and rats) on the way to winning our very first championship.

* Graduating from the University of Miami’s law school certainly was a milestone for me in 2024 and I am excited to turn my full academic attention towards completing my Ph.D. over the next couple of years. I’m also humbled that the University kindly included me in this year’s “30 Under 30” class along with 29 other impactful graduates. As we say around here, it’s great to be a Miami Hurricane.

* My mother celebrated the fifth anniversary of her cancer diagnosis while remaining ever stoic, upbeat, and positive, which is truly the best possible news I can share from 2024. Talk about happy! She’s an inspiration to me every single day and I am appreciative both for her health and that she’s such a resilient model.

* The Biden Administration (yep politics made the list) implemented so many important initiatives over the last 4 years that hold the promise of providing lasting benefits to our country and environment for decades to come. There’s no shame in growing old and while you can’t win them all, as they say, I certainly believe you can learn far more from the battles you lose than those you win. In time, America will, I am sure, learn from 2024 and become stronger (and I hope happier) because of it.

* Diving amongst a pod of friendly sea turtles early one morning in St. John’s National Park in the U.S. Virgin Islands was a magical experience and just one of the many happy highlights from my summer 2024 National Parks trip that I will always cherish. As of today, I am incredibly fortunate to have visited 41 of America’s 63 stunning National Parks and am well on my way to achieving my goal of seeing each of them during my lifetime.

And speaking of our National Parks, I am extraordinarily thankful for the unbelievable work that our Park Rangers quietly undertake to make these treasured natural places even more special. The folks that wear those iconic campaign hats are truly public servants.

* I am also happy to have learned about the Florida Phoenix and Jason Garcia’s thought provoking Seeking Rents newsletter and podcast in 2024. It’s vital that a fully functioning democracy enjoy robust, independent investigative news journalism and the folks at both Phoenix and Rents sure are doing their part by looking under the hood of Florida’s often less than transparent governmental and corporate leaders’ shenanigans.

And speaking of investigative news, I am happy to have learned about Craig Pittman this year and encourage you to check him out too (I’d suggest starting with his excellent article on how the new electric school buses in Dixie County are protecting kids and drivers while saving taxpayers a ton of money, which you can read here).

* Oh, and speaking of solar power in The Sunshine State, I finally installed a solar power system on my home in Miami this year and that makes me smile every single day. Nearly 30,000 Florida homeowners also installed roof top solar systems in 2024, and I sure am proud (and happy) to be one of them!

* Everyone I met in Italy this year was happy and that certainly included me too. I am indebted to the government officials and academics in Venice that took time to meet with me as I studied their MOSE flood gate system and that region’s dire flooding concerns up close so as to compare their plight to what’s happening here to South Florida as part of my Ph.D. work. And, being able to briefly visit my brother Owen while he was studying in Rome made my trip extra special indeed.

* The lawsuit I filled in October, Reynolds v. Florida Public Service Commission, and the amended lawsuit we filed just this month – that adds my young friends Gabriela, Jasmine, Julie, Tomas, and Vanessa – makes me happy (and hopeful). 76% of the energy Florida’s electric utilities source to make the power they sell is from toxic fossil fuels and generates an estimated 40% of the greenhouse gas pollution in our state. That must stop if we are to ever solve our climate crisis, and the solution begins with the Commission doing its job by enforcing Florida’s long established laws. Thanks to Andrea, David, Mitch, and the entire OCT team for your always incredible professionalism and passion, as well as for supporting me as I try to navigate ways forward to a more sustainable, resilient world.

* The love and devotion I feel and see from my family is my greatest happiness. Family first. Always.

Here’s to hoping your 2025 is filled with friends, family, perfect health, and, yes, happiness. Lots and lots of happiness.