Category Archives: #SaveMiami

Solar Superpowers in the Age of Electricity

I’m pleased to share a recent editorial that I wrote with my friend (and fellow Plaintiff) Julie Topf about the lawsuit I filed in October against the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) that’s been published as part of the Miami Herald’s The Invading Sea series. The editorial explains that for at least as long as Julie and I have been alive, we are both 25, the PSC has approved every single 10-Year Site Plan that Florida’s electrical utilities have submitted for review as being “suitable,” despite the fact that none of those plans appear to comply with long established state laws that demand a shift away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy so as to lower consumer costs, diversify Florida’s fuel sources, and best protect our natural environment. Laws like the Florida Renewable Energy Policy and Florida’s Comprehensive Plan, for example, that the PSC is charged with regulating and is supposed to enforce but are systemically being overlooked while allowing our electric utilities to build an energy system based almost entirely on sourcing their power from polluting fossil fuels.

Today about 84.9% of Florida’s electrical energy is generated from fossil fuels and, of that, a shocking 81.3% is from natural gas, a pollution generating fossil fuel that emits methane, a deadly chemical, into our atmosphere and oceans. Consider the following illustration from the energy consulting firm Ember, based on data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration through September of last year. As you can see, while coal (illustrated in black) has steadily been declining as a source of energy generation in Florida over the last 25 years the “gas” category, one dominated in our state by natural gas, has skyrocketed.

Unless and until the Public Service Commission stops rubber stamping the electric utilities’ 10-Year Site Plans and starts enforcing our established laws, Florida will continue to be one of the largest polluters in the world while offering our citizens some of the most expensive power on the planet as it misses an incredible opportunity to help lead America into the renewable energy future, the Age of Electricity, that much of the rest of the world is already embracing. You see, 2024 is being viewed by experts as the year that solar power and battery storage for that power truly began reshaping the world’s energy systems at impactful scale as “Solar Superpowers” are emerging all over the globe.

Consider that the International Energy Agency’s 2024 World Outlook makes it clear that while the new U.S. political regime embraces fossil fuels such as oil and gas like it’s still the 1940’s, the rest of the world is enthusiastically embracing renewable energy. In fact, the report suggests that clean energy is on track to generate more than half of the world’s electricity before 2030 and that demand for all three fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas) is projected to peak by the end of this decade as clean, renewable energy is entering the world’s energy system at an unprecedented rate. Here’s how Dr. Faith Birol, the IEA’s Executive Director, explains the worldwide transition to the Age of Electricity in which energy is sourced from clean renewables such as solar power:

In previous World Energy Outlooks, the IEA made it clear that the future of the global energy system is electric – and now it is visible to everyone.  In energy history, we’ve witnessed the Age of Coal and the Age of Oil – and we’re now moving at speed into the Age of Electricity, which will define the global energy system going forward and increasingly be based on clean sources of electricity.

And with such things in mind, young people all over America, certainly including my friends and fellow Plaintiffs here in Miami-Dade, are forced to ask just why is it that our political leaders and regulatory agencies like the Florida Public Service Commission are so intent on protecting the polluters rather than positioning our country as the world’s leader in renewable energy?

By Delaney Reynolds and Julie Topf

If you grew up in South Florida over the last two decades, as we have, the impacts of climate change increasingly consume your life. Whether rising sea levels along our shores or dead coral reefs in our waters, we see it with our own eyes. We feel it becoming warmer whenever we step outside as record-breaking temperatures become more common and heat surrounds us, not just in the summer, but always.

Our lives have been filled with extreme flooding that disable our neighborhoods even on sunny days, rain bombs that bring life to a standstill, gentrification from developers rushing to capture our limited supply of higher ground and increasingly more destructive monster hurricanes. If you love Miami-Dade like we do, the harm to our lives and threat to our future from the climate crisis is as undeniable as it is devastating.

As our generation inherits this problem, we are focused on addressing the cause –– pollution from fossil fuels –– before it’s too late. This requires a serious shift to renewable energy, a transition that faces obstacles from both Florida’s electric utilities and their exclusive regulator.

Florida’s electricity sector alone produces more climate pollution than many countries’ entire economies, including Colombia, a country with nearly 30 million more people than Florida. In 2022, Florida’s electric utilities themselves produced 40.1% of all climate pollution in our state and have spent decades building a supply chain almost entirely reliant on methane gas, a toxic fossil fuel pollutant that causes 80 times more warming than carbon.

Today, 84.9% of Florida’s electricity generation is from fossil fuels, with a shocking 81.3% supplied by gas. Florida’s three largest electric providers –– Florida Power & Light (FPL), Duke Energy and Tampa Electric (TECO) –– distribute 81% of our state’s electricity, yet source a tiny fraction of their energy from clean renewables like solar. Just 7.3% of FPL’s electricity, 6.3% of Duke’s and 8.0% of TECO’s are sourced from renewables –– pathetic results after a century in “the Sunshine State.”

In 1951, our legislature bestowed the Florida Public Service Commission exclusive authority to regulate electric utilities in the public interest. The commission’s duties include ensuring utilities comply with the Florida Renewable Energy Policy and Florida’s Comprehensive Plan, both designed to promote renewable energy. However, since at least 1999 –– for the 25 years we have both been alive –– the commission has repeatedly approved every single one of our utility’s long-term energy plans, called “10-Year Site Plans,” despite their reliance on fossil fuels and failure to comply with our laws.

The commission’s blatantly utility friendly “rubber stamp” approach is systematically failing us and our environment. It’s locking our state into fossil fuel dependency for decades to come, further exacerbating the climate crisis, with youth, like us, facing disproportionate impacts and risks. That’s why we, alongside four other Miami youth, have filed a lawsuit, Reynolds v. Public Service Commission, asserting that the Commission’s decades-long approval of fossil fuel-dependent energy plans violates our constitutional rights to life, and to enjoy and defend life, as guaranteed under Florida’s Constitution.

If the court agrees, it could declare the commission’s rubber-stamping unconstitutional and force Florida toward a safer energy future. Just like other youth-led constitutional climate cases, including groundbreaking victories in Held v. State of Montana and Navahine vs. Hawai’i Department of Transportation, this case shows how young people are rising up and demanding change to protect their climate rights in court.

The science and solutions are clear: For over four decades, scientists have proven that 100% renewable energy systems can be achieved by or before 2050, including in Florida. The transition to clean energy is no longer a matter of technical feasibility or economic viability. It is also not a political issue, and cannot be treated as such, because climate change transcends political ideologies –– it impacts us regardless of party lines and regardless of whether we “believe” it is real.

This case is about more than just energy policy; it’s about safeguarding our future. We have the right to grow up in a world where our health, safety and environment are protected, not harmed by the decisions our government makes today. It’s time for Florida to take bold action and lead by example to protect the climate and ensure a livable future for us all.

Delaney Reynolds and Julie Topf(From left) Delaney Reynolds and Julie Topf

Delaney Reynolds and Julie Topf are two of the plaintiffs involved in Reynolds v. Public Service Commission, a youth-led constitutional climate lawsuit in Florida.


It’s right there in the title every darn year. We all know the phrase by heart. Happy New Year!

Happy. As in happiness. As 2024 comes to a close and a new year begins tonight, I’ve been reflecting a lot on a few of the things that made my own 2024 such a happy year for me and that give me hope for our collective futures. In the year ahead we will have plenty of time to tackle our challenges and work to make things better but, for now, I’m going to focus on the progress being made, the good news, and the good within each of us.

* The Florida Panthers WON the Stanley Cup! I love hockey and it sure was a joy to follow my Cats (and rats) on the way to winning our very first championship.

* Graduating from the University of Miami’s law school certainly was a milestone for me in 2024 and I am excited to turn my full academic attention towards completing my Ph.D. over the next couple of years. I’m also humbled that the University kindly included me in this year’s “30 Under 30” class along with 29 other impactful graduates. As we say around here, it’s great to be a Miami Hurricane.

* My mother celebrated the fifth anniversary of her cancer diagnosis while remaining ever stoic, upbeat, and positive, which is truly the best possible news I can share from 2024. Talk about happy! She’s an inspiration to me every single day and I am appreciative both for her health and that she’s such a resilient model.

* The Biden Administration (yep politics made the list) implemented so many important initiatives over the last 4 years that hold the promise of providing lasting benefits to our country and environment for decades to come. There’s no shame in growing old and while you can’t win them all, as they say, I certainly believe you can learn far more from the battles you lose than those you win. In time, America will, I am sure, learn from 2024 and become stronger (and I hope happier) because of it.

* Diving amongst a pod of friendly sea turtles early one morning in St. John’s National Park in the U.S. Virgin Islands was a magical experience and just one of the many happy highlights from my summer 2024 National Parks trip that I will always cherish. As of today, I am incredibly fortunate to have visited 41 of America’s 63 stunning National Parks and am well on my way to achieving my goal of seeing each of them during my lifetime.

And speaking of our National Parks, I am extraordinarily thankful for the unbelievable work that our Park Rangers quietly undertake to make these treasured natural places even more special. The folks that wear those iconic campaign hats are truly public servants.

* I am also happy to have learned about the Florida Phoenix and Jason Garcia’s thought provoking Seeking Rents newsletter and podcast in 2024. It’s vital that a fully functioning democracy enjoy robust, independent investigative news journalism and the folks at both Phoenix and Rents sure are doing their part by looking under the hood of Florida’s often less than transparent governmental and corporate leaders’ shenanigans.

And speaking of investigative news, I am happy to have learned about Craig Pittman this year and encourage you to check him out too (I’d suggest starting with his excellent article on how the new electric school buses in Dixie County are protecting kids and drivers while saving taxpayers a ton of money, which you can read here).

* Oh, and speaking of solar power in The Sunshine State, I finally installed a solar power system on my home in Miami this year and that makes me smile every single day. Nearly 30,000 Florida homeowners also installed roof top solar systems in 2024, and I sure am proud (and happy) to be one of them!

* Everyone I met in Italy this year was happy and that certainly included me too. I am indebted to the government officials and academics in Venice that took time to meet with me as I studied their MOSE flood gate system and that region’s dire flooding concerns up close so as to compare their plight to what’s happening here to South Florida as part of my Ph.D. work. And, being able to briefly visit my brother Owen while he was studying in Rome made my trip extra special indeed.

* The lawsuit I filled in October, Reynolds v. Florida Public Service Commission, and the amended lawsuit we filed just this month – that adds my young friends Gabriela, Jasmine, Julie, Tomas, and Vanessa – makes me happy (and hopeful). 76% of the energy Florida’s electric utilities source to make the power they sell is from toxic fossil fuels and generates an estimated 40% of the greenhouse gas pollution in our state. That must stop if we are to ever solve our climate crisis, and the solution begins with the Commission doing its job by enforcing Florida’s long established laws. Thanks to Andrea, David, Mitch, and the entire OCT team for your always incredible professionalism and passion, as well as for supporting me as I try to navigate ways forward to a more sustainable, resilient world.

* The love and devotion I feel and see from my family is my greatest happiness. Family first. Always.

Here’s to hoping your 2025 is filled with friends, family, perfect health, and, yes, happiness. Lots and lots of happiness.

3.1 Degrees

As the second week of COP29 continues, it’s worth considering that the Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty that was adopted in Paris, France during COP21 in late 2015 when 196 of the world’s nations agreed to a primary goal that seeks to limit global warming to “well below 2 degrees Celsius” above pre-industrial levels, while also setting what was called an ambitious goal to limit the actual increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius versus pre-industrial levels. It is these goals, especially the 1.5 degrees mark, that the nations of the world have since been focused on achieving so as to mitigate and avoid the most catastrophic and costly impacts of our climate crisis should temperatures rise above that mark by century end.

How are we doing since those goals were established?

Well, nine years after the Paris Agreement’s goals were published, society is currently on track to have temperatures increase between 2.6 to 3.1 degrees Celsius by the end of this century. Based on existing technologies, a rapid, seismic adjustment is needed by the nations of the world, especially the largest polluters such as China and the United States, if we are to have any chance of achieving the goals from Paris in 2015.

At COP29, which started last week in Baku, Azerbaijan, the world’s nations will review their progress and plans towards meeting the Paris Agreement goals and debate the updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NCDs) that I wrote about in one of my last posts, revised plans that are due to be published in early 2025. The NDCs seek to determine how the world’s nations, by country and collectively, are progressing (or regressing) towards the Paris Agreement goals and it is my view that the outcome from this year’s COP on this topic will be one of the most important issue delegates address in Baku.

Just in time for COP29, the United Nations Environment Programme has published its most recent Emissions Gap Report, its 15th in an ongoing series in which the world’s leading climate scientists review ongoing trends and possible solutions with the Paris Agreement’s goals in mind. Given our current trajectory versus mankind’s stated goals from 2015, this year’s report is fittingly entitled “No more hot air … please!” As the report aptly summarizes, when it comes to transitioning our society to renewable energy and reducing the world’s greenhouse gas pollution there is a “massive gap between rhetoric and reality.”

This year’s report includes the illustration above that depicts where the world’s temperature is headed under various scenarios beginning with what is expected to happen if current policies continue (there is, for example, an estimated 100% chance that we will exceed the 1.5-degree aspirational goal from the Paris Agreement, a 97% chance of reaching or surpassing 2 degrees, and a 37% chance of reaching/exceeding 3 degrees). This table, and the first line within it that depicts a continuation of our current worldwide approach, helps explain the report’s conclusion that there is a “massive gap between rhetoric and reality.” Without dramatically increasing our shift away from polluting products and processes to renewables, it’s clear that we will exceed our current temperature goals and in doing so place our society and planet in dire danger.

You can find the most recent Emissions Gap Report from the UN here.

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