Category Archives: Global Warming

History in Florida: Ladies & Gentlemen Start Your Engines, The Solar Race Has Begun


The City of South Miami enacting its new residential solar mandate tonight, a law that we began working on nearly two years ago when I wrote local Mayors and asked them to help me create a law here in Florida patterned after the one San Francisco had just passed, just might be my most important work to-date.

South Miami passing the law tonight makes Florida only the second state in the United States where a municipality has such a law (the other being California) and only the fourth city in our country that will now mandate solar power be  installed in newly built homes or those subject to material renovation. Tonight’s brave decision by the South Miami City Council is historic and certainly a step in the right direction towards my dream that we can turn the ‘Sunshine State’ of Florida into ‘THE Solar State’.

And that started tonight with 4 Council members voting in favor of the law and 1 against it in what I will now call The Solar City of South Miami!

Thanks to Mayor Stoddard for supporting my dream as a then 16 year old child when I wrote a letter in early 2016 asking for his and South Miami’s support. Mayor Stoddard, who was recently named number 47 on the Politico 50, has frequently told the story about how he responded to me by offering his support as long as I would help write the law. As I thanked him for his response I pointed out the obvious fact that I had no idea on how to actually write a law and he responded by saying that he would teach me the basic process.

Imagine my surprise when our fist meeting, a session I would have guessed might take an hour, took six hours. That time and the last year and a half’s work by many folks at the City of South Miami have been a worthwhile investment that will now see the new law benefit our environment and the residents of South Miami as well as, I hope, acting as an inspirational example for others to follow.

Thanks also the the City Council for listening to my comments at the various public meetings this Spring and Summer as well as for engaging in such a healthy debate on the topic while taking into consideration the public comment that such a large number of people shared with you. That debate and process made the law better, and initially makes it more reasonable and helpful for citizens. Thanks as well to the City Administrators that helped improve and craft the law, who helped with research and who are passionate about making things better for the community.

Now that the new law has been passed some might act if that’s the the end of the discussion and work. The answer is a loud NO, it’s actually just a starting point. A beginning upon which we can now work to educate people about the benefits of solar power and the savings that they can enjoy.

I envision community based educational programs to teach people more about how solar works. And a program to bring local contractors together to cost effectively bid on the cost to install a system and, in doing so, lower that cost.

And I can envision that next steps should include creating funding programs to help reduce or even eliminate the cost of a solar installation, especially for low to moderate income folks like what my brother Owen touted the District of Columbia is doing in Washington D.C. So, the key to all of this is that the law is by no means a destination but more of a starting point upon which to build and educate.

And if anyone is asking whether implementing the new laws and all that follow will be easy that, too, is also a resounding ‘no’.

The hard work aside, one reason that implementation and everything else that will now follow will be challenging has to do with those who have fought it, thus far, and will most certainly continue to fight such change. We won an important battle with the law’s passage tonight but the ‘war’ is far from over.

And how do I know this? Well, the many public meetings in recent months saw those against such a change, namely developers and builders as well as our local power utility, FP&L, speak against it time and time again.

The overwhelming majority of Realtors surveyed believe that owned

PV (solar) systems increase the market value and marketability of homes.”

Developers and builders expressed ‘concern’ over the mandate adding costs to homes and that leading people to not be able to afford to buy from them. The good news is that that is not a very valid concern. Not at all.

First, the local real estate market in South Miami (and South Florida) is robust. People love living here and are paying record prices for homes, homes often filled will all sorts of costly technology, kitchens or bathroom fixtures that you’ve never heard a builder suggest impacted their ability to build or sell a home. But they are somehow against solar and residents having free power from the sun?

Having solar power will only make these homes more valuable and more marketable and we know this is true based on research which we shared at last week’s Council meeting. According to a report, for example, from the Colorado Energy Office, real estate professionals explained that a home with solar power is “typically increasing market value and almost always decreasing marketing time.

We also know that the impact of the new law will be minimal. Over the last three years South Miami’s Building Director has informed me that there have been 8, 6 and 1 new home built within the City. That’s an average of five homes per year. And as to renovations, the Council moving the definition from 50% to 75%, or for that matter excluding small homes, means that the law will impact very few existing homes. Or as the Building Director wrote me when I asked his view of the impact on existing homes, “we do not believe that there would be many of those.

So while I’d like to see it impact more homes, and will work to find ways to increase its impact, the factual initial number will be fairly small.

Not small, however, appears to be FP&L’s concern over the proposed new law and my guess is that they will work hard to fight it and do almost anything to protect their business. You need only look at FP&L’s shameful attempt to mislead voters last year on Amendment 1 here in Florida, and in the process reportedly spent millions of dollars trying to deceive voters on before losing. Or as another, more recent, example learning how they donated large sums of money to State Senators and Representatives in return for those politicians’ support on laws that FP&L reportedly wrote nearly word for word. Don’t believe it? Just read Mary Ellen Klas’ fine work entitled “Hooters ‘calendar girl’ and Playboy ‘Miss Social’ were Artiles’ paid consultants” about the role they played in disgracing former Miami Senator Frank Artiles, a vocal FP&L ‘supporter’. #ThanksFrank

FP&L and established power companies all over America like them are a serious challenge to implementing our sustainable energy future in which solar and wind power and other solutions must replace fossil fuels and those challenges could be vividly seen by everyone watching last Tuesday’s Council meeting.

First there was the ‘retired’ FP&L employee who spoke out against the law and announced that he had driven all the way from Palm Beach to South Miami to speak against the proposed law. Palm Beach? Seriously? His rehtoric was the same as we hear in their ads about how low their rates are and how much they ‘love’ solar power but those statements are either sales talk to protect their massive revenues or outright lies.

FP&L’s very own Annual Report proves that I am right by stating that they produce less than 1% of their energy from solar power (to learn more about this click here to read my blog FP&Lies). And when you combine that fact with the fact that FP&L has been in business for nearly 100 years then it’s clear that they have not supported solar and are only now saying these things, or building a small installation here or there, because they rightfully feel threatened by knowing that consumers’ polls make it clear that people want sustainable power solutions like solar. And Speaking of polling, with hundreds of people voting, a new poll just out from Curbed Miami had 78% of the people voting saying ‘Yes, more Florida cities should require installing solar panels on new homes.‘.

But, it was not only the speaker’s comments that tell the story last week about FP&L’s concerns and likely future battles to come. It was the four other people from FP&L that were present, watching, taking notes and looking an awful lot like lawyers, that would suggest both how seriously FP&L is taking The Solar City of South Miami’s new law and that they are preparing for battle. And you know what?

FP&L feeling threatened or paying attention or whatever you want to call it and sending so many people to the meeting is actually a good thing. The sooner we get the facts out to the public, the sooner the debate becomes public, the better because our region and country simply do not have time to waste protecting fossil fuel energy solutions.

Let the Race Begin.

As Mayor Stoddard said so beautifully during the recent debate, its time that we start racing side by side against established power companies such as and including FP&L and see who gets to the solar power finish line first.

Waiting, or for that matter standing by and watching the race is not an option and will not help our society. It’s time to put our ‘foot’ on the pedal and accelerate sustainable solutions in the United States so that fossil fuels soon become extinct. It’s either we make this transition to sustainable power now starting right here in South Florida’s very own Solar City of South Miami, or we face the very real possibility that much of our region becomes extinct.

To learn more about the City of South Miami’s new Solar Ordinance, click here.


PS: Speaking of polls, I spent the day today in New York at the MTV studio here working on an incredible new project that I promise to tell you about very soon. Until then let me share that MTV tells me that 86% of its viewers say fixing our planet’s climate crisis is their number one concern. With poll results like the 78% noted above, or the 86% MTV told me about today, it’s clear that despite what you read in a tweet from Washington or see in some misleading ad from a power company that Americans want to see fossil fuels come to an end and that should give us all great hope.

iPrep Academy Kids ‘Get It’


Even thought it’s summer, the last month and a half for me and The Sink or Swim Project have been very busy. A blur on most days really with so much to do it reminds me of a song from the play Hamilton, ‘writing like you’re running out of time’. In fact, as I type this blog entry I am sitting in the airport to head back to New York for an incredible project that I will be able to tell you about very soon.

But before I head back to the Big Apple, I just have to share with you one of the very best experiences I had at a school when I was fortunate to speak at iPrep Academy, a magnet school that focuses on teaching in a technology-rich environment., just before the end of the school year.

Based on the old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, here are a few pictures from my wonderful visit at iPrep:

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As much as I hoped to inspire the iPrep Academy students during my visit, the truth is, as so often happens, these children inspired me.  Their passion and knowledge about climate change and sea level rise, about what is happening here to South Florida and what will happen in their (and my) lifetime was evident in their comments, questions and concerns.

The hope they gave me that day confirms that, together, our generation will solve our climate crisis.

So thank you Ms. Maria Thorne for having me at iPrep Academy and for leading a new generation of environmental stewards into the future to help fight climate change.

And thanks especially to your incredible students for their passion, as well as for giving me great hope that they will work with me to help solve our global climate crisis. As I always like to say, ‘Kids Get It’ and that was the case at iPrep Academy.

The United Nations


Solving our planet’s climate crisis requires that societies all over earth must evolve from a fossil fuel energy economy to a sustainable one during my lifetime. And for many of the most fragile places on earth and their inhabitants, those most susceptible to rising seas and other risks, the stakes are the difference between survival and extinction.

Every citizen of our planet now faces a crisis that has no boarders, one where people’s language, religion or the color of their skin simply, and thankfully, do not matter. For this reason my recent opportunity to address the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York City was a unique and important chance to draw global attention to the fact that we need all of today’s world leaders to begin embracing change. The type of positive change that our world needs to solve our environmental problems before it’s too late.


At UNESCO’s invitation, children from all over the world representing their World Heritage Marine sites including some of earth’s most iconic, yet endangered environments, such as Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands and South Florida’s very own Everglades National Park, gathered to ask UN members to join us in pledging their support. The diversity of the children was profoundly beautiful but even more impressive was the passion that these children have for our planet.

#MyOceanPledge Ceremony in NYC.

To be asked to speak on their behalf, both for the children that joined me on stage at the UN in New York and children all around the world was the greatest honor of my young life. My speech to the General Assembly sought to define why these special places are so important but to also illustrate that they are at dire risk. As I shared with the audience that day;

“in our increasingly virtual world, nothing can compare to the majestic beauty of our natural environment, those special places on our planet that touch our hearts and that inspire our imagination.

Such places have had a profoundly important impact on our society for generations but they are also fragile and face many challenges, in some cases even extinction, from risks including coral bleaching, our planet’s climate change crisis, overfishing, pollution from plastics or run off from pesticides to name just a few.”

#MyOceanPledge Ceremony in NYC. #MyOceanPledge Ceremony in NYC.

And we called upon the world’s leaders to join us in taking the #MyOceanPledge by signing a petition that recognizes the environment’s importance to our collective futures. To read more about the petition and why having the world’s leaders join us is so important to all of our futures please click here for Andres Oppenheimer’s timely editorial in yesterday’s Miami Herald entitled World May Not Melt, Despite Trump’s Insane Decision on Climate Change.

Mr. Oppenheimer’s editorial brilliantly recounts a recent interview that he conducted with none other than the United Nations General Assembly President Peter Thomson including his thoughts on President Trump’s short-sighted decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. President Thompson knows that the world is serious about solving our climate crisis and he especially knows this based on what he saw and heard from the children and me during the U.N. Ocean Conference. As Mr. Oppenheimer wrote and shared: He said he noticed that movement during the U.N. Ocean Conference held June 5-9, shortly after Trump’s decision. At that meeting, he said, there was a “hugely positive wave” of support for action against climate change, which included “a very big input from America’s civil society, states and cities.”

I noticed it too during my time in New York, at the UN and at the other events leading up to Worlds Ocean Day that we attended. It was everywhere and was what Mr. Oppenheimer quoted Mr. Thompson calling a “tidal wave of support” for action against climate change”.“I think what you’re seeing all the way from Europe to China and in the developing world, indeed everywhere I look, is that people are saying, ‘Hey, this only makes us stronger… I’m confident that people will step up on that. And I remind you that the biggest investors in renewable energy are American investors.”

#MyOceanPledge Ceremony in NYC.

And it was not just ‘talks’ and speeches but people taking action. Important people including heads of state, global business people and many others. People like Prince Albert II of Monaco, the first person to sign our pledge scroll and also someone Mr. Oppenheimer mentioned in his editorial when he wrote: Asked for specific examples of what is being done, Thomson cited the U.N. partnerships with celebrities such as billionaire Richard Branson and Prince Albert of Monaco to petition governments to protect 30 percent of their oceans by 2030. There is already an ongoing U.N. plan to have 10 percent of the oceans protected by 2020, and “I think that’s going to be doable,” he said.’

Delaney Reynolds preso

And speaking of Prince Albert II, here is a picture of my brother Owen and me, along with our friend Sarah Ramos, with the Prince of Monaco just after he signed the petition Mr. Oppenheimer wrote about, #MyOceanPledge. As you can see, he sure does not look too stressed about President Trump’s lack of vision or recent decision.During what was an incredible week in New York I had the privilege to get to know children from Papahanamokuakea, Hawaii; Lord Howe Island, Australia; Seychelles; South Africa; Sudan; the Great Barrier Reef, Australia; and the Wadden Sea, Netherlands among other World Heritage Marine sites. And no matter which amazing place these children live in we all shared the same undeniable bond; a deep love of the ocean and our natural environment.

IMG_3637And speaking of amazing places, the Everglades National Park is the only environment of its type on earth. The Everglades is a treasure chest filled with magical, mystical creatures unique to its enchanting and diverse environment, from its mangrove lined coasts and sandy beaches along our ocean’s shore to its majestic pineland forest and slow moving River of Grass. And it’s a big part of why I was invited to address the General Assembly.

While working on my book on sea level rise, Sink or Swim?, I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Everglades National Park Superintendent Ramos last year about the fragility and importance of this special place. Superintendent Ramos was generous with his time and shared a passion for the Park that left me feeling like the Park is in very good hands with a very good man.

Unfortunately, the Everglades is also at dire risk from all sorts of threats including encroaching development, agricultural pollution and run-off, rising seas and more. Sadly sea level rise alone threatens a large portion of the Park from possibly becoming extinct within my lifetime. As I said, it’s also one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Marine sites but its also a World Heritage in Danger site too given the many risks it faces to even have a future.

#MyOceanPledge Ceremony in NYC.

The folks at UNESCO in Paris saw a TEDx Talk I’d given a couple of years ago and, thus, invited me to address the General Assembly and have the honor of representing the Park and our region. And, if that was not enough, I was even able to be joined on stage by my brother, Owen, and our friend, Sarah.IMG_3684I have countless memories to share with you in future blogs about the outstanding children that joined me in New York, the time that we spent with people like Sylvia (‘Her Deepness’) Earle at The Explorers Club (only one of the coolest places you could ever hope to visit) and the truly exceptional people at UNESCO. I promise to share stories and pictures about all of those things and a lot more in time but, before I end this blog, allow me thank a few special people who were the reason I was honored to be asked to address the General Assembly.

#MyOceanPledge Ceremony in NYC.

Thanks to UNESCO, The Explorers Club, the Government of Flanders, Stefan and Irina Hearst, The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, Dr. Fanny Douvere, Robbert Casier, Vanessa Lucot, Nolwazi Mjwara, Taylor Butz from the UNESCO World Heritage Center, Alison Barrat and Elizabeth Rauer from the Living Ocean Foundation, and Joel Sheakoski (for your amazing pictures).To each of you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the work you do literally all over the world every day to protect some of the most important places on earth.

Thanks to Mom and Dad for facilitating the trip for Owen and me, much less introducing me to New York for the first time. I know that the entire experience was a bit overwhelming so thanks for not crying too much while we were on stage!IMG_3649Thanks to my #1, my not so little, little brother Owen. Thanks for standing outside the theaters with me to get autographs in the rain but mostly, thanks for standing on stage with me in front of the world and for always supporting my passions and dreams.IMG_3639And lastly, allow me to give a special shout out and thanks to the incomparable and ever so kind Pedro Ramos and his lovely daughter, Sarah. Pedro, it is my distinct honor to know you and to know that such a perfect steward of the environment is helping protect the Everglades. Its habitats, animals and I could never thank you enough.

OK, its time to get back to work on local solutions. Despite the circus that’s in Washington right now all of us have important work to do in our local communities, the regions and towns we live in, and in our states. If you’ve read this far then I would ask you to start local, stay local and find ways to make a positive change in your community. That’s my plan and I hope it’s yours too.

IMG_3689 #MyOceanPledge Ceremony in NYC. unnamed
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